Art is a representation of an event or an idea translated into a work. Even if it can be learned, art is a talent that is not given to everyone. We can distinguish several forms such as culinary art, artistic, drawing, painting, etc. But in this article, we want to focus on visual art. How to recognize plastic works of art and what are their usefulness in the management of heritage? The answers can be found in this article.
what is visual art?
Plastic art refers to a set of artistic activities whose goal is to express a know-how, a feeling or an emotion through the works. In other words, visual art is a technique of artistic expression and communication through works.
There are several forms of plastic art. These include, among others, architecture, painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving, etc. To these forms were added with other new forms from the mid-nineteenth century. These new forms include cinema, computer graphics, holography, collage, installations, digital art, performances, happening, cinema, video art and digital art, but also applied arts, decorative arts (textile art, design, marquetry…) and architecture etc.
what is the use of visual art?
The creation of visual arts calls for intelligence and requires much more thought, because they are above all, tools of communication. They express an idea, a fact, a feeling or an emotion in a language other than oral expression. Plastic arts are therefore very useful for creativity and can help unlock situations.
The visual arts also develop in the learner a critical mind, curiosity and a high sense of analysis. Learning plastic art also allows you to discover history through dating facts and images.